

Attention Members – Please read in its entirety:

Thank you for your patience with the website being down. Although it has the same look and a slightly different feel, it is unfortunately a whole new site. All of our past WOD’s have been lost. If you had subscribed to the old blog to receive the daily WOD you will have to re-enter your email to be subscribed again.   

Secondly, The Marco Challenge is coming to an end. The last day of the challenge is April 5th. We will be meeting on April 6th during the open gym hour to close out the challenge. If you are unable to make it please email Carlo ([email protected]).

During this meeting we will take your weight and body fat measurements as well as go over transitioning from macro to normal eating. We will also offer 3 other options for macros moving forward. 

Next  – We will be running a new Maco Challenge it will start April 13th until June 1st. It will be run exactly the same way as the last challenge.  If you are interested we will have an informational sheet hung by the whiteboard. Thank you.


Part 1.  Front Squats – 18 min.

0-12 min build to a heavy set of 5 reps @ 21X1 

12-18 min EMOM

5 Front Squats @21X1

Part 2.  For Time

100 Double Unders

21 Overhead Squats (135lb./95lb.)

75 Double Unders

15 Overhead Squats

50 Double Unders

9 Overhead Squats

*10 Minute Time Cap.