

Charlie L

Game of Thrones Fan??

We will be hosting a pool on the 8th and final season of Game of Thrones, which premieres this Sunday at 9:00pm.

The challenge will be to determine the fates of 27 of the remaining characters in the show. The pool only costs $10 and first place will win 60%, second 30% and third 10%. 

Submissions are due by Saturday, April 13th and must include $10 cash. No late entries!

Get your copy of the form below outside the office and fill it out ASAP! Once filled out, turn it in to Tom with your $ to get involved.

Winter is here!!


4 Rounds:
4min Clock:
– 200m Run
– 10 Power Cleans (165/110)
Then, AMRAP in remaining time:
– Calorie Row
4min Rest

Score = Total Calories