
Michelle P & Coach Matt D
Introducing CrossFit The Rock’s Vitality Class
Our Vitality Class is a strength and conditioning class for aging adults looking to make positive changes to their health and fitness. The only prerequisite is to be an older adult looking to get healthier and have fun doing it.
Our initial session will be a 6-week program that will meet twice every week; Tuesday’s and Friday’s from 12:00pm – 12:50pm. Every class will include a warm-up, strength training component, conditioning circuit as well as nutritional guidance.
The cost is $219 for the 6-week Program. Only $18.25/class!
We will offer two Free Trials for anyone interested in this program. First on Tuesday, April 30th and then again on Friday, May 3rd. Both trial classes will be from 12:00pm to 12:50pm.
We will have only 10 available spots for each of these Free Trial sessions. Please contact Tom Walsh ([email protected]) to reserve a spot. Please feel free to share this information. Thank you.
We are looking forward to the opportunity to provide health & fitness guidance to a new demographic within our community.
REMINDER: Macro meeting is Saturday 12:00pm-1:00pm. More info is posted in the gym on the small whiteboard by the coaches table.
There will be no Open Gym Saturday, April 13th.
If you absolutely can not attend the meeting and you want to participate please email Carlo ([email protected]).
Part I. 14min – 3 Rounds not for Time:
– 8 Seated Single Arm DB Press (8/Arm)
– 12 Double KB Front Rack Step-ups
– 30sec Plank —> 30sec Hollow Rock
Part II. For Time:
– Med Ball Cleans (20/14)
– Med Ball Facing Burpees
15min Cap.
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