

Michele G

RockFit today at 10:45am with coach Kara. Come check it out.


3 Rounds For Time:
– 400m Run
– 21 KB Swings (55/35)
– 12 Pull-ups

For Leaderboard.

Sub 20/16 Cal Bike for Run.

Each class will split into two groups, partner-up & judge one another through this workout. Good Luck!

A Leaderboard workout is really more of a personal benchmark workout. Yes, we will log today’s top times and compare them to scores in the past but really this is an opportunity to measure your own fitness, to see how you compare to your previous efforts at the same task. If this is your first time doing “Helen”, then bust your butt and try to set the best time possible for yourself. 

All too often we see people worried about competing and what the whiteboard will say next to their name on any given day. That’s not training to improve over time, it’s sacrificing progress for the moment. Allowing your technique, posture, ROM to dwindle to log a few more reps or shave a few seconds will not help you improve over time, rather it leads to a plateau in development. We need to practice our skills, accuracy & coordination in all movements, particularly at fatigue. So the next time you feel like doing single Toes-to-Bar just to finish that round a little quicker, stop, rest and then go back to linking reps together. Otherwise, you’ll continue to follow that pattern.

Remember, the level of effort and intent you put into the workout is far more valuable than the time next to your name.