

Our Fall Macronutrient Challenge begins on Monday, September 9th.

There’s still time to sign-up and get involved. Simply sign-up on the whiteboard by the coaches desk or email [email protected].

Our Challenge will begin on Monday and continue through until Sunday, December 8th.

The initial week of the challenge will be completed without your specific macronutrient numbers. Instead the focus will be on practicing good habits with your nutrition and beginning to track your food with myfitnesspal. 

We like to think of this as a prep week. You will be provided a Macro Challenge Guide from Liz Foley. This guide will help you begin to understand macronutrient tracking and why it is such an effective way to lose weight, optimize performance and live a healthier life. You will also be provided with a list of 10 Habits to practice during the first week.

One of the most important parts of the first week is to meet in person with each participant. This assessment will allow us to learn about your goals, take measurements & weights and gather all the information needed to create your macronutrient profile. 

We currently have two windows set up for these brief (~10min) meetings.

Tuesday, September 10th between 9:00-10:00am.

Tuesday, September 10th between 6:30-7:30pm. 

Please sign-up for a time slot on the Whiteboard by the coaches desk. Other options for the initial assessment will be announced soon. 

Please bring your payment for the challenge to your assessment. 

Each individual will receive their specific macronutrient profile by Sunday, September 15th and tracking will begin on Monday, September 16th.

We will be hosting short meetings throughout the challenge and while it is not required that you attend, we strongly recommend it. The first coffee meeting will be on Sunday, September 29th from 11:15-11:45am. 

The following coffee meetings will be on October 20th, November 10th & December 8th.

Each participant will have to join our private Facebook group. This is a very useful tool for sharing recipes, asking questions and general support from the other people in the challenge.

Remember, you cannot out-train, out-run or out-work a poor diet. Instead, learn to fuel your body with balanced macronutrients and take concrete steps to becoming the fittest, healthiest self you can be.

Sign-up today.


Saturday Schedule:

7:00am, 8:00am, 9:00am & 10:00am CrossFit classes

11:00am RockFit

12:00pm Open Gym


Rock Endurance will meet on Sunday morning at 8:00am at South Side High School.

5 Rounds:
– 4min Max Distance
– 1min Easy Jog
– 1min Walking Rest


Part I. 5min EMOM:
– 30 Double Unders +3/2 Bar Muscle-ups
Sub 3 Burpee Pull-ups for BMU.
Part II. 7 Rounds for Time:
– 10 Goblet Squats (55/35)
– 10 KB Swings (55/35)
– 200m Run
18min Cap.